RefleXions of the fall

The fall of 2006. After long periods of hard working rythm, especially if somehow mixed with personal issues and prolonged decisions of any sort, the body & mind just scream after some time-off and active relaxation.

The conclusion of this years summer definately wasn't one of the easiest for me. Trying to work all of the 'pros' & 'cons' into the right order took out quite some energy in the whole process, but a guiding light seemed to have shown me an optimal path ahead. A petty rugged one, but also one that I tend to appreciate most...

Meanwhile, a weekend resort at the sea-side seemed to be the right answer again. Together with some hard core rock-climbing of course. The canyon of Paklenica seems to do the job time and time again...


Flicka said...

Pozdravljen, Primož!

Veš, v kakšno veselje mi je takole slučajno naleteti na dolgo izgubljenega sosedovega fanta, ki je z leti postal še modrejši, še bolj čeden in občasno svoje zanimive utrinke življenja deli z vsemi ... tenkju,ic najs tu rid fru jor blogs! ;-)

Sosedova Monika

Primož said...

Now you're making me blush here, Monique! ;)

Z velikim veseljem, se bom potrudil da bo še naprej zanimivo - hvala za vzpodbudo! Dogaja se pa trenutno (k sreči) res kar precej, zato... 'keep on reading'... pride kmalu še kak dodatek!!

Bye 4 now, Primož

Anonymous said...

lep pozdravček!
po dolgem času sem mal po com.pobrskala in naletela na tvojo stran.Zelo zanimivo si je ogledati tvoja popotovanja in hobije.Po slikah sem vidla, da leta bežijo (od mojega fota na vašem koncu).Tvoj pogled pa še vedno očara ;-).Želela sem te samo pozdravit.

Flicka said...

Kaj je zdaj s tistim obljubljenim dodatkom??? Si se izgubil? A te je treba prit kam v hribe rešit? A prnesem sendvič s sabo?! ;-)